Name: Mgr. Zuzana Musilová, Feng Shui Terapie
Identification no.: 69668892
Address: Podjavorinské 1607/18, Prague, 149 00
Phone: +420 603 757 274
Product catalogue
You can find the list of products on the web site The supplier does not guarantee immediate availability of all the items. The client choses the product, properly fills in order form and sends the order electronically. Submitted product order is a concept for purchase agreement issue. Further, the order makes for product reservation.
The price of products is mentioned with each product individually. Shipping and packing are not included in the price.
Order cancellation
The client even the supplier can without giving a reason cancel the client's order until supplier's order confirmation. If the supplier cancels the order, generally oves the reason why it is not possible to confirm the order.
The order cancellation after issuing purchase agreement is possible only after previous settlement between supplier and client, and under the conditions which are negotiated in writing.
Delivery date
The ordered products will be according to the availability and operating possibilities of the supplier delivered in the shortest time by transfer company, usually up to fourteen working days since the product price payment including price for shipping and packing and that to the supplier's account. The products are considered to be delivered by delivering at the address which is mentioned in client's order.
The way of product payment
The client has a several possibilities for product payment. The product is paid up by advance payment on defined account. Only with the products stored in Czech republic is posibility to pay by COD ( cash on delivery ). You can find the availability of the product straight by the product. In case of advance payment the products will be despatched after given payment receiving confirmation on the supplier's account. The parcel with products always contains of tax document.
The way of transfer
The transfer at the given address is provided by any courier shipping company, and that in the area of whole Czech republic. Expenses for shipping and packing are always 180 Kč ( czech crown ) in case of COD and 150 Kč ( czech crown ) in case of advence product payment on the supplier's account. You can take up your products personally only after agreement with the supplier.
Product shipment to Slovakia and to other countries
Product shipment outsider the area of Czech republic is possible only in case that the ordered products will be paid up in advance on the supplier's account. The price for transfer to Slovakia is 220 Kč ( czech crowns ). The price for transfer to other countries in Europe is 49 EUR. The price for transfer to Russia is 120 EUR. The delivery date is abided by valid delivery terms of shipping companies which provide the transfers at the given addresses.
Product acceptance
The client is obliged to look through the package immediately with its take over. If there is found to be mechanical damage of product wrapping, the client is obliged in the presence of carrier to check conditions of the products, and in case of damage to make a record about package damage and to make the carrier to acknowledge this matter.
On the basis of this made record and damaged product returning, the new product will be delivered to the client. By delivery note signature the client agrees with the product také over and that the product is not mechanicaly damaged. Onto later complaints caused by guilt for transfer will not be able to pay regard and they will be rejected.
Communication between the client and the supplier
Further communication between the client and the supplier is accomplished by the electronical mail, if the both sides will not agree otherwise.
It is possible only with the previous settled term.
Client's right for withdrawal
The client is eligible to withdraw in case taht the supplier does not meet the delivery conditions.
Supplier's right for withdrawal
The supplier is eligible to withdraw from the contract only to the moment of product shipment, and that only in case of product nonavailability or expressive change in product price. Before the withdrawal from the side of the supplier the client will be contacted.
The supplier gathers the client's personal data with the client's agreement, namely name, address, telefone and email connection. This data makes mainly for ease of clients's orders in future. The agreement can be called back by the client in writing.
If the client shows his agreement, the supplier can keep him advised of business information with news, offers, advertising and to offer the participation in enquiries and market research, all that by email or telefone. The clients's personal data is not handed on another person.
These business conditions are valid for all the purchase agreements made between the supplier and the client. The supplier retains the right to change the business conditions. Changed conditions advertises by the suitable way on his web sites before conditions effectivity. e-shop operator:
Name: Mgr. Zuzana Musilová, Feng Shui Terapie
Identification no.: 69668892
Address: Podjavorinské 1607/18, Prague, 149 00
Phone: +420 603 757 274
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Bejeweled White Dzambhala
203,- EUR |
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Flaming Magic Wheel Plaque with Stand
135,- EUR |
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Carriage (AD51)
172,- EUR |
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Tap your Lucky Direction - Tiger
51,- EUR |
© 2010 Copyright a grafika Zuzana Musilová | Created by Jaroslav Beran