The compassionate White Tara bestows fertility and the ability to conceive to those who dedicate prayers to her.
This singing bowl is decorated with the 8 auspicious objects to bring you good fortune. The mallet features the auspicious Om Mani Padme Hum mantra.
The beautiful Green Tara has the power to overcome obstacles and problems and to grant wishes and dissolve troubles.
This is the first Tara of the 21 Taras who grants empowerment that bring you authority and helps you gain the respect of others. Pray to her to help you attain conditions conducive to benefiting others.
The powerful Wealth White Dzambhala deity bestows wealth to those who practice his daily water offering.
If you're running a business either as an owner or a manager, you will need this powerful sword to protect you from those who wish to cheat you and to give you the courage to rise above this
This beautiful Medicine Buddha is so-named because of his compassionate ability to provide the ultimate antidote to the removal of success and health obstacles. Medicine Buddha has made a vow to help those who call upon him when ill or injured, and to aid those who revere him to achieve a long and health life.
Dogs are man's best friends and loyal friends and full of generosity. If you are a rabbit, get yourself a cute bejeweled dog because it is your secret allies.
This precious amulet prayer wheel contains 10 million consecrated OM MANI PADME HUM mantras printed on microfilm.
The Universal Tortoise symbol is one of the most powerful Tibetan symbols of protection.
Windhorse and Vairochana Plaque
220,- EUR |
Bejeweled Fertility Tara
203,- EUR |
3¨ Ox with coin ( TLT )
156,- EUR |
Bejeweled Medicine Buddha
182,- EUR |
© 2010 Copyright a grafika Zuzana Musilová | Created by Jaroslav Beran