Fancy Dancer

Fancy Dancer The noble horse symbolizes power, strength, fame, speed, endurance and success. In feng shui the Horse brings recognition luck and for Roosters, Snakes and Ox, the Horse bring love luck being the peach blossom animal of these animal signs.

About this painted pony

The Fancy Dance evolved from the early Plains tribe's war and victory dances. It is an energetic style of dance, usually performed by younger men who spin, twist, and make quick steps and fast turns. Their outfits are traditionally composed of lots of bright colors, metallic beads, sequins and ribbons which create a flashy display. The have two bustles, a head roach and intricately beaded headband, all of which are faithfully and stunningly recreated on a spirited, snorting horse that is caught up in the excitement of the drum beat. This unique creation by a Virginia artist won The People's Choice Award in the national competition, The Native Art of Horse Painting.
Product details
Width: 6,0 cm
Length: 19,0 cm
Height: 21,0 cm
Weight: 675 g
Code: 008018200060

The above measurements are all approximate. Delivery time is 2-3 weeks.

Price: 69 EUR        Availability: Limited Qty       

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