Rooster with Fan and Amethyst

Rooster with Fan and Amethyst The Rooster with Fan and Amethyst symbolizes effective protection against infidelity issues in marriages. For those whose Paht Chee or astrological luck indicates Peach Blossom luck is strong, it is a good idea to display this symbol to ensure your marriage stays enduring. The Rooster will peck away at third party interferences and ensure gossip and troublemakers cannot sway your love for each other.
Product details
Width: 4,5 cm
Length: 6,0 cm
Height: 11,0 cm
Weight: 690 g
Make: Bronze
Code: 008004300061

The above measurements are all approximate.
Delivery time is 2-3 weeks.

Price: 134.7 EUR        Availability: Temporarily sold out       

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