Precious Elephant (AD256-1)

Precious Elephant (AD256-1) The elephant has long enjoyed charismatic status in South East Asia, symbolizing stature, wisdom and courage. To the Hindus, the elephant is associated with the high Gods and Goddesses and as a bringer of water, rain and fertility. To the Buddhists, it is one of the precious animals included in the offering Mandala. To the Chinese, elephants bring children and descendants luck so they are often depicted in art with children, symbolizing many illustrious and filial sons for the family. The word for elephant in Chinese � hsiang � also sounds like the word for Prime Minister, and hence is believed to bring good morals, strength and all the qualities of a good leader.

It is considered most auspicious to have an elephant grace your home. This bejeweled elephant has its trunk raised in victory and its crystal-studded blanket unfastens to reveal a secret chamber, which you can fill with your own precious gems and wishes. For couples trying to conceive, place this elephant in the West part of your home, with your wish written on a piece of paper hidden inside the elephant, and then let it bring you amazing happiness.

Product details
Width: 3,0 cm
Length: 8,5 cm
Height: 5,5 cm
Weight: 90 g
Make: Metal / Jewel
Code: 008015900057

The above measurements are all approximate. Delivery time is 2-3 weeks.

Price: 134.7 EUR        Availability: Temporarily sold out       

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