Blue Rhinoceros and Elephant with Water Globe

Blue Rhinoceros and Elephant with Water Globe The rhinoceros and elephant are powerful symbols of protection against robbery and accidents. In 2010, the much feared burglary star - which also brings dishonest people into your life - flies to the South East. Display the blue rhinoceros and elephant in the South East to help protect your home.
Product details
Width: 15,0 cm
Length: 18,0 cm
Height: 10,5 cm
Weight: 815 g
Make: Resin
Code: 008003600086

The above measurements are all approximate. Delivery time is 2-3 weeks.

Price: 93 EUR        Availability: Limited Qty       

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© 2010 Copyright a grafika Zuzana Musilová | Created by Jaroslav Beran