Kwan Kung on Horse

Kwan Kung on Horse The general Kuan Ti, later known as Kwan Kung, is one of the more famous generals in Chinese history. Deified as the God of War, Kwan Kung eventually became known as the God of Wealth. Thus, he has many roles and is a most useful personage to have in the house. Displaying his image in the home facing the front door ensures that his fierce countenance frightens off any 'killing breath'. It is said that all negative energy does not dare enter with the presence of Kwan Kung. It is at its most powerful when placed in the Northwest corner of the house. At work, place the image behind where you sit at work so that you will never lack powerful support from important people.
Product details
Width: 8,5 cm
Length: 18,0 cm
Height: 18,0 cm
Weight: 1655 g
Make: Bronze
Code: 027010400071

The above measurements are all approximate. Delivery time is 2-3 weeks.

Price: 225 EUR        Availability: Temporarily sold out       

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