3¨ 3 Celestial Guardians

3¨ 3 Celestial Guardians The Three Celestial Guardians is a must-have for those working in the office to help prevent back-biting chatter that could bring you harm. The Three Celestial Guardians comprise of the three powerful protectors: The Fu Dog to protect you from harm caused by malicious gossip, the Pi Yao to guard against making bad financial decisions and the Chi Lin to protect against disagreements with your superiors. Place these three guardians facing the Three Killings direction in the North sector facing North (2010) and the West sector facing West in 2011. This is particularly important for those who are in senior positions in the workplace.
Product details
Width: 2,0 cm
Length: 5,5 cm
Height: 5,0 cm
Weight: 385 g
Make: Resin
Code: 008003500067

The above measurements are all approximate.
Delivery time is 2-3 weeks

Price: 126 EUR        Availability: Limited Qty       

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