Flaming Magic Wheel Plaque with Stand

Flaming Magic Wheel Plaque with Stand This is the Dharmachakra eight-spoked wheel surrounded by a circle of fire, indicating fire and gold energy. Inscribed in the circle is a very powerful mantra for subduing quarrelsome energy directed towards you.

This talisman can effectively reduce gossip, slander, and office politics and even help you avoid court cases and legal entanglements. If you can consecrate these magic fire wheels, they are also effective protection against spirit harm.
Product details
Width: 4,0 cm
Length: 11,0 cm
Height: 18,5 cm
Weight: 645 g
Make: Brass with chromed gold
Code: 023008900067

The above measurements are all approximate.
Delivery time is 2-3 weeks.

Price: 135 EUR        Availability: Limited Qty       

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