Protect your family from the malevolent influence of the Three Killings which occupies the WEST Year of the Rabbit 2011. Each celestial protector brings formidable qualities that pacify the deadly influence this malefic star.
Healthy, obstinate, independent, usually calm and cool, likes the outdoors and always finishes a task.
The Three Celestial Guardians is a must-have for those working in the office to help prevent back-biting chatter that could bring you harm
100 Birds with Evil Eye Scarf
140,- EUR |
5 Element Pagoda Plaque
156,- EUR |
Elephant (Blue)
93,- EUR |
Three Deities Sitting On Tigers (Gold)
232,- EUR |
© 2010 Copyright a grafika Zuzana Musilová | Created by Jaroslav Beran