This is a powerful amulet to protect your family. At the front is the mantra of Gyaltsen Tsemoi Pungen.
This is the Dharmachakra eight-spoked wheel surrounded by a circle of fire, indicating fire and gold energy.
The rhinoceros and elephant are powerful symbols of protection against robbery and accidents.
The rhinoceros and elephant are powerful symbols of protection against robbery and accidents
The plaque is specially designed with the 5 element pagoda and two powerful mantras which subdue obstacles and purify bad karma.
Display this Tai Sui plaque in the Northeast sector to appease the Grand Duke and to bring good luck.
In Feng Shui, elephants enjoyed charismatic status in South East Asia, symbolizing stature, wisdom and courage.Monkey is well known as intelligence animal.
The Rooster with Fan and Amethyst symbolizes effective protection against infidelity issues in marriages.
Display this beautiful syllable HUM sitting on a lotus in the home to bring a good life and to bring you closer to enlightenment.
Vairochana Plaque
135,- EUR |
3¨ Ox with coin ( TLT )
156,- EUR |
Bejeweled Mystic Knot
92,- EUR |
Heart Sutra Scarf
119,- EUR |
© 2010 Copyright a grafika Zuzana Musilová | Created by Jaroslav Beran