Elephant (Blue)

Elephant (Blue) The elephant has long enjoyed charismatic status in South East Asia, symbolizing stature, wisdom and courage. The word for elephant in Chinese - hsiang - also sounds like the word for Prime Minister, and hence is believed to bring good morals, strength and all the qualities of a good leader. It is considered most auspicious to have an elephant grace your home. This elephant has its trunk raised in victory and protect you from any danger.

Display it a pair flanking your main door to protect you from any danger and attract prosperity luck.
Product details
Width: 9,0 cm
Length: 27,0 cm
Height: 18,2 cm
Weight: 600 g
Make: Resin
Code: 008003600044

The above measurements are all approximate.

Delivery time is 2-3 weeks.

Price: 93 EUR        Availability: Temporarily sold out       

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